
Enjoy the honeymoon cruise Shuangwai Wai

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How did not remember being persuaded her husband to the honeymoon cruise, anyway, when I sat contentedly on a Singapore Airlines flight Fanhu when the vision is very much admired her husband, especially when around peers who are almost all non-big sigh in vain this line, and hate too short of time.
Yes, no hurry, no collection, there is no concept of time, the phone altogether lost any signal, all this suggests that you put everything behind it, as long as the person you love together, love to do do, in the cruise.
From the Star Cruises' SuperStar Virgo to leave Singapore Harbour Centre, the moment, almost every person on the cruise will not withstand the temptation of food.
13 floors high, 268-meter-long "Virgo and down more than ten restaurants, taste different, the Japanese restaurant in Malaysia, Japanese-style barbecue chef Marketer performances unique skills; Italian restaurant in size, but make people feel warm red tone, especially oil painting hanging on the wall, which was the private collection of cruise ships host a master artworks it; Indian restaurants often a thick smell of curry flavor; Chinese restaurant dishes of all kinds of sign face special attention; 24-hour coffee shop located in Blue Lake cruise the aisles, from Malaysia to Singapore Bak Kut The Chicken Rice, Southeast Asia's classic snacks everything. there is ice cream, the stars and enjoy the night time to a copies, is very comfortable.
Sunny evening, the ship will be held on the top deck open-air barbecue dinner, all kinds of BBQ, salad, fruit, snacks and wine, so you forget. To most of the four large free area restaurants are Chinese, Western and Southeast Asian-style, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, as bridesmaid dresses well as morning tea, afternoon tea and supper available. As delicious, but also because most of the visible sea view restaurant seating, so the total could not drag her husband to the restaurant to run, want to taste that finished this, so that the mouth and eyes together to enjoy delicious.
Pro disembark, he found himself there is a not eaten, have dinner, you'll feel so obviously he can not help but eat a meal. Who cares, anyway, have put themselves married off, and then on several pounds of fat, but since my husband has no friends. This down day, eat five or six tons are common. Accompanied by all those newly married couples are less than me, the most powerful eight tons to eat from morning to night, and soon will have had a title - eight Dayton General.
What impressed me most when the number of captain dinner. Cruise on by the habit, which is certain to be wearing the dress of the meal. Open two hours before dinner, the band's songs, Christmas tree covered with ornaments decorate the seventh floor of the lobby outside the lively score. Captain standing there smiling and people eleven pictures. We booked a Western, large restaurant, purple bridesmaid dresses a full swing under the hundreds of tables. Melodious piano accompanied by red wine, is appetite. After the elimination of a main course steak, could not help but at the same table, another young couple on the delicious cod praise, I would end up eliminating a cod, see her husband some trance.
Do not think I will take care of their taste buds and stomach, the body then of course need good friends to enjoy. There are many choices during the day, top-level open-air swimming pool is a good place to feel the sun the sea, around the pool you can enjoy lying on the massage pool feel the sun's nourishing, my favorite is the swimming pool side of the sauna, sit steaming sauna room, the entire surface of the floor through the looking glass, blue sky in a daze, then forgot what the taste is dry with worry, her husband is running in a wall of the gym, enjoy the same sky and sea. There are many places to enjoy, such as women like beauty center, DFS boutiques, men love to the card room, library with Internet access, and even still playing on the deck of a return to tennis. If it were not her husband or not, I had intended to follow the sides of the boat yoga teachers in India do. At night, the Galaxy nightclub as long as you can drink a cup of Kara OK, 10 points will be adjusted after the very atmosphere of the host will greet you with a variety of amusing play endless games. I actually used within one and the husband is also mixed in with a group of young people from around the world in a crazy stage. If after completing crazy not enough to go to disco or theater, or else go to the theater took a fancy to a show from Las Vegas, anyway, do not hurry, calmly enough.
Even if you do nothing, only to see the blue sky can be seen on cruise ships and the sea is also sufficient. Because it is in walking through the Straits of Malacca, often see the distant islands, sometimes there are fishing boats fishing in the dragnet. Bursts of silver sea, cruise-off, leaving long waves, as if to God that one connection. Leaning against the couch in the office room terrace with sun massage the skin, and soon the whole body will be Chung drowsiness; sitting on the sides of boats on the point of a cup of coffee, in the silence of the heart becomes beneath pure sound of the waves up.
In fact, precisely, this tour by the Singapore Tourism Board, Star Cruises, Travel and the Shanghai Oriental Shanghai New Comfort Travel, Singapore Mandarin Hotel and DFS jointly organized the "Singapore + Virgo honeymoon cruise is not only Singapore to stay cheap homecoming dresses two days, Qi Fu Plaza, Sentosa, Chinatown, Merlion Park, Singapore River, leaving our footprints everywhere Tour the Merlion Park, the Singapore Travel Agency to participate in the certificate issued on behalf of his wife, and enjoy the "Five Blessings journey: a ride shuttle River City antique car, two lovers side by side with the tricycle street after street.
What impressed me most is to see their foster botanical garden with orchids (orchids, Singapore's national flower), her husband know that I am a big fan of Bae Yong Joon, dragging guide to find the last guy just because PEI has been named visiting growing on purple "Bae Yong Joon I severely beat in front of a pass, but on my natural shopper, the shopping street, Orchard Road is most appealing to my place, row upon row of buildings, the variety of world famous New angered I secretly resolved - for the coming year must find copies of higher-paying job.
Finally, I take DFS Galleria in Singapore to over a handful of addiction, buy a lot of cosmetics and designer bags. Where large-scale, did not have to worry about what to buy to pick, it just care about your wallet! Located in the Orchard Road shopping district Shige Shi DFS Galleria, an area of ??large four-story shopping mall by the composition, from local specialties to the world famous brand cosmetics, watches, jewelry, Pijuxiangbao, clothing readily available. Do not worry about service, Beijing and Shanghai are equipped with after-sales service office, in addition to comprehensive after-sales service, including exchange and refund.


Romantic honeymoon to create economic

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Who do not want to begrudge the money on honeymoon - luxury hotels, romantic and soothing massage is almost double feast is the highlight of all the newlyweds honeymoon dream. But it is the reality is that most people's budget is limited. Of course, there is no need to live frugal to backpacking cheap bridesmaid dresses and youth hostels level. As long as the information concerned the following areas, you can moderately reduce the cost of your honeymoon.
Honeymoon planning
In engagement after a little run errands for your honeymoon budget control will be of great help.
1 book through a travel agent to consider
Now book flights and hotels online more convenient, making honeymoon travel arrangements through travel agencies this is a little old fashioned. Although not necessarily applicable to everyone, but Tim Leffel, in his "Make Your Travel Dollars Worth a Fortune" book, that travel agents can help those people without a specific travel destination savings. "If you just want a nice Caribbean island, living in a comfortable seaside hotel, travel agents can usually offer you can not get the preferential price, so if you are sure you want to live in the Four Seasons Hotel Nevis Island , it can do online booking, if not confined to one island or a hotel, you can see what kind of travel agency can offer and the price of the hotel.
(2) Using credit card points mileage
If your wedding expenses are paid for by credit card, then this cost will give you a lot of credit points accumulated, the honeymoon will be your perfect opportunity to run out of points. Of course, can redeem the free ticket is better and better. If you redeem all of mileage points is not enough, then you can apply for a free upgrade from economy class to first class, so you have a "type in the start and end your honeymoon trip.
3 columns a honeymoon gift list
According to the traditional wedding, most guests will be a good wedding gift list according to your list, pick and choose to give your wedding gift. If you already have enough bedding, while the porcelain is not what you need, you can list a honeymoon gift list, guests who pay part (or the whole) travel expenses to replace the traditional gift giving. Similar thebigday.com and honeymoonwishes.com site are to support full or partial payment of a small gift. Of course, you can also Marriott (Marriott) or Disney resort accommodation added to the gift list.
Destination Select
In the choice of honeymoon destination in no hurry to make decisions that can make you more likely to find discount travel arrangements.
4 advantages of using flat travel season
Each resort has a season and the off-season, high season, when many tourists and the price is high, the off-season cheap (usually because of weather suitable for travel). Between the evening dresses off-season and the season between the flat season, it is a good time to travel, because travel demand is not so high, therefore the price is more reasonable, the weather is still pleasant. The Caribbean coast is flat season begins after spring break, "in mid-April to mid-June between the very appropriate time to enjoy the wonderful Caribbean coast, Leffel wrote in his book if you want to honeymoon in Europe, can consider the late spring and early autumn.
5. To no depreciation of local currency
The exchange rate will lower your budget greatly reduced. Compared with the euro, U.S. dollar exchange rate is now getting lower and lower, so be sure to choose one U.S. dollar devaluation has not been a honeymoon destination. Leffel recommends areas can go to Spanish, or Latin America, from Mexico to Chile between any one place.
6 Consider an all-inclusive travel
Choose a honeymoon all-inclusive resort One of the benefits that can accurately estimate the entire honeymoon trip expenses and the corresponding budget. Clear all-inclusive resort which contains content and estimate the out-free, including meals, excursions or hiking the cost, you will be able to estimate the exact cost of the honeymoon.
Transport mode choice
A to B transport costs between the most likely occupy a large portion of your budget, but we also have a simple way to save money.
7 Select the non-peak hours flight travel
A few days in the week, ticket prices are relatively cheap. If it is domestic travel, you can choose starting on Sunday to avoid business travel peak. If it is to travel abroad, starting Monday or Tuesday the price is more favorable.
8 asked whether the hotel offers free airport transfer service
Arrival, you can try to pick-up service offers (some hotels offer free pick up service). If you only own a taxi to the hotel, the best taxi in the airport waiting area called the regular taxi, do not take luggage in place anti-car.
9. Use public transport
Unless you to car rental in honeymoon travel, or otherwise try to take public transport. A taxi is convenient, but also very easy for you to accidentally overspend. Prior to know more about honeymoon travel to the main mode of transportation, including subway, light rail and buses. The benefits of public transport not only save money - in the city traffic congestion, Metro is usually the quickest way to travel.
Hotel choice
A dark and dismal room can ruin the entire honeymoon, but money does not mean to be camped.
10 live view rooms
You from the hotel's website To check to a different room rates. Room size and the surrounding landscape are the two main factors determine prices. You can book a room view not so superior accommodation to reduce the budget. If you plan to spend most of their time on the beach, then you will be hard to notice your room window is not a sea or garden view, but which costs can save a significant amount.
11 of the hotel package
Leffel's advice is that if the hotel offers a "honeymoon package, then you have to carefully look at whether this money is not a cost-effective package. If it is five nights, six nights only charge the cost of this package that is cost-effective if package includes rose petals sprinkled on the bed, sending a bottle of champagne, but charge you more than $ 200, it is best to give up this package, be it an ordinary room.
12 mentioned that you are the newlyweds to the hotel
Mentioned to the hotel you are newlyweds, you can gain some special (and free) services. Of course, this is not related to the rigid rules, or what services will be provided to ensure the hotel, but the hotel front desk to tell you which newlyweds ride their new marriage with the first few days, no harm always. We often heard that some newcomers can get a free room upgrade. Can also be timely to mention at the airport check-in experience is really bad, any bartender will ask you to drink a cup of free.
Local cuisine
Wonderful honeymoon trip must ultimately food homecoming dresses and wine, but the cost of eating out will increase your expenses. To learn how to use your food and reasonable expenses.
13. Not in the hotel dining
In the hotel restaurant is clearly the most efficient thing, but this usually means that you have to pay high prices. Or ask the guide any good suggestions it.
14. Ask what the locals eat
Learn more inside information, you will find a market in the Caribbean humble fish stalls, or an alley in Europe to find a simple and small pubs child, but was able to make the journey here, the most delicious of a meal! You can ask your local baker, butcher or fishmonger what they think is best to eat in town - the price is certainly reasonable, and absolutely delicious.
15 cook
You can also make your own lunch as a romantic - to the grocery store do sandwich buy raw materials, fruits and other picnic food, walk to a secluded place to enjoy private lunch. To save money but also will not miss the honeymoon is worth every moment of collection.

Men of different ages to solve ED

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Experts point out that many people are the cause of male sexual disorders are misunderstood, that are the physical aspects of the disease, too much emphasis on drug treatment, while ignoring male sexual disorders may also be caused by psychological factors. As the "saving face, most men of his" temperament closely guarded secret. Many ED (erectile dysfunction) patients in private to find "remedies, and thus delay the diagnosis and treatment.
It is reported that the incidence of multiple male sexual disease in the following cheap bridesmaid dresses three stages: pre-marital one to two years after marriage; married for ten years; menopause.
Phase I: two-year marriage a year after marriage
Before and after marriage, the feelings of both men and women are in the more volatile phase. Most young couples now only one child, grew up in the doting parents grew up. More self-centered personality, mostly for the sake of each other does not, often because of trivial trivial quarrel.
A pair of young men and women love to talk about getting married a few years, when they are in ample time career, work under enormous pressure, both parties are often caused by friction to the man enormous psychological pressure, over time they affect men physical health, not an erection. Woman can not understand, blame the man on the outside fool around. They eventually married two years of divorce.
The reason is that both sides do not know how to accommodate. Two are completely separate entity, friction is inevitable. Should show magnanimity as a male, there are contradictions first dared to say, "Sorry, avoid the intensification of conflicts, which their health and their feelings have a positive effect. The woman should also understand the pressure cheap evening dresses on the other side, to give gentle.
The second stage: ten years of marriage
"In a bed to sleep for 20 years, there are some 'fatigue. This is the movie" mobile phone "in a classic sentence, causing many people resonate there a couple married for twelve years, children are on the third grade. the first two years of marriage, her husband every day of the most anticipated thing is that we can go home early from work to accompany his wife later, he opened his own company, began a spare life, while as a baby after the woman did not pay attention to maintenance, body out of shape, plus pay no attention to facial skin care, and did not look old-fashioned vitality face of elegance is no longer the wife, he felt life boring, I could not "exotic. More than twice a week turned into two weeks of life, not once.
If the sex life of married life in disharmony with each other less and less contact with the skin, it is necessary intention to create an atmosphere of love, and timely exchange of feelings of love. Zhang Bin said, as husband and wife with the unit's work unit, the family all day and night relative, especially prone to fatigue. To overcome the psychological boredom between husband and wife must be adapted to use innovative ways to enrich the marital sex life, when you regain the feeling of love. Even if the work tired, man must try to help with household chores, with shopping, shopping, outings, games, movies, relive the feeling of dating. Women often have to maintain the image of the new. Frequently homecoming dresses changing clothing styles, try to use her husband's favorite perfume, will bring a new feel to each other.
Phase III: menopause
Older people can have sex? The answer is yes. However, the men enter menopause, anxiety, temper becomes irritable, likes to stay at home. Part of the male libido in menopause appear to reduce, and some decline in erectile ability, to think that sexuality is not a.
The couple have three decades of ups and downs, had been feeling good, do not know when to begin, sexual disharmony, the wife discovers her husband every time just muddle through, the man was suspected improper outside relationship, always check the man's underwear, eavesdropping on phone ... ... in order to restore the verge of breaking the marital relationship, they decided together to the hospital for tests. Inspection found that both men and women had menopause syndrome. After treatment and strengthen their communication, emotional and crash and burn.
Zhang Bin said the two sides should learn to understand each other, respect each other, understand each other more the characteristics of the natural physiological changes. Respect for the love of the hobby is to enhance the feelings of the couple's adhesive. Mutual respect, interest in the process to adapt to each other, get a common language and an increase in marital relations in depth. If problems occur to the hospital to see if the problem is organic. If they are psychological problems, the couple can approach as mentioned above, try to create a fresh, relive the old romantic warmth. (Zhang Ying / Edit)


Yang Lan behind her husband denied the "fraud tax"

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Yang Lan has been very good reputation, most recently as a decade ago, but a donation to the event into a "donation controversy. Sina microblogging users" publisher Franco posted question, Yang Lan was in 1997, will be "With the Sea Wind," the 200,000 Yuan royalties donated to Project Hope on, he took the name of funding for the work the same amount of fees.
Yang Lan calm response "donations door
The news came out immediately caused an uproar in the issue of micro-Bo Yang Lan clarification, questioning voices constantly. However, the person in charge of Project Hope and her husband Yang Lan Yang Lan Wu are behind, there are many users of its innocence.
Innocence court disaster for the Red Cross
Network because of the recent popularity of "Mei-US event, Yang Lan innocence for the Red Cross cheap bridesmaid dresses has issued a document:" This is strange, I was executive director of the Chinese Red Cross, Red Cross commercial general manager, heard of such a position, Do not be top of the Red Cross sign it! Sources also said that she was the daughter of the Red Cross, vice president of GUO Chang-jiang, which also do not fly, GUO Chang-jiang only one son, no daughter.
Unexpectedly, Yang Lan's words have court disaster, with "V certified Sina microblogging users" publisher issued a microblogging Franco caused a stir: "the television industry's 'biggest names in Ms. Yang Lan,' sign for more. I remember one time She donated to Project Hope 20 million, but the next day, the YMCA will sign the agreement and Yang Lan and from there we took the same amount (20 million) of the 'working expenses ... I clearly remember the affections the same way since Youyi several times from the Finance Ministry of Youth Development Foundation had received substantial funding for the work of Project Hope ... "Franco publisher indicating that the message is subsequently reproduced from their own, this post is actually from" Liuyang hand, Released on 2002 December 30, 2010.
Yang Lan to clarify: I did not take a cent
News like blockbuster, causing an uproar. Then update the micro-Bo Yang Lan, a positive response to the question. "... All of the above expenses have been filing YMCA. I did not take a cent, but also do not receive other funding. Are hereby acknowledged.
At the same time, Project Hope founder, former Secretary-General of Youth Development Foundation, chairman of Southern Community Foundation Xu Yongguang also expressed the hope that project can purple bridesmaid dresses go overseas thanks to the Yang Lan, "this matter there is no problem, she must first contributions Hui Zhang into the blue base, this can not be said that she misappropriated donations ... ... Yang Lan then not only donations, but also very good hands to shoot a documentary, but also come to China to investigate the United Nations officials hope project, which Project Hope very helpful to go overseas.
However, the vortex center of Yang Lan does not seem to be affected, 26 pm she was again updated his Twitter, s feelings: "Yesterday, sit a dozen-hour flight to Athens, Greece, as the All Star Fans athletes with intellectual disabilities to participate in organized Special Olympics Athens blue skies, Castle still standing. Sixteen years ago the last time to be there friend asked whether this two-day storm affect the mood of course there will be, but to do public service beyond the original mind, quite frankly In the future will continue to do public good. whether it be directions, I just side to thank my friends support.
Wu hair behind his beloved wife microblogging
And Yang Lan's attitude is calm, but excited Wu, a series of multiple micro-blog publishing, even behind his beloved wife, "In fact, Yang Lan and I hope a decade ago as a project, including its flood relief operations in 1998 were implemented more than 2000 million contributions, but that does not boast. Wu recalled, although the Hope Project cost $ 200,000 for reimbursement, but the actual expenditure far exceeds this number. "not only donate money, and paste the money, and effort, the effect is good, but part of the cost out by the Foundation, wrong? microblogging Wu also said the incident was eight years ago the so-called green-based staff and leadership will be a falling out, a lot of things out in a rendering, the is left-heavy speculation. Wu also said, not affected by the incident, "There is questioned by the public charity, but still can not deny that mainstream foundations to contribute to social progress, can not be afraid backfire downgrading itself, all are afraid to respond must be afraid of doing good. Wu also said: "The fuel for all participants cheap homecoming dresses in philanthropy. To 8:48 last night, Wu also microblogging continue even behind his beloved wife: "Yang Lan is: the fact is always fact, truth a blessing in overnight.
Yang Lan "contributions after the incident, many celebrities are also interested microblogging Critics Wang Hill said:" If it so, individuals accept this explanation. Two small problems: 1. Why not come forward Yang Lan, who is the Wu? Yang Lan's behalf? 2 United Nations officials from the Yang Lan a ticket Why? Yao Chen to visit refugees in Thailand, why not ticket the refugees out to her own expense? Why the United Nations two standards of China and Thailand - but this point, the United Nations explained. Thank Yang Lan broke the news.
Recent afternoon, a grand literary world Chinese Book Published Franco, director of microblogging in their personal apology to the public affections.

Male colleagues of women in the workplace and how to take away

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The workplace is like a big vat, dyed black, white, black drift into a yellow, a careless carry on all kinds of trumped-up charges: ambiguous, relationship between upper and lower levels are not normal, etc., makes women in the workplace difficult, so can not help Some people ask how to avoid similar incidents do
Female and male colleagues in the workplace a good grasp of how the distance?
Distance, is a physical phenomenon, it is an interpersonal learning, it is the office must face. In a small office space, coming and going, the distance between the body and how to master the psychological? And colleagues deliberately keep their distance, separated too far, will be considered Taileng Mo; too close, it may take "sexual harassment charges.
Distance is not just physical problems, but also psychological, social, affect the interaction between people is very far-reaching issue. The distance between heterosexual colleagues, but also complex and subtle ... between ... the opposite sex: has refused to close the 21st century, the gender exchange of work is very frequent, it can no longer accept not pro men and women of the old concept to measure. bridesmaid dresses Even if married, does not mean to keep a distance from the opposite sex, so taboo. Rejected and the opposite sex too, not only does not like a modern, more likely to prevent workplace role-playing. We must also recognize that gender has a work space is usually higher than single-sex environment is more pleasant and harmonious. May be more efficient and modern organization of large numbers of women into professional they are. To re-isolate gender, not only impossible, unreasonable. Deliberately alienate even the best solution. Gender is always communication, and gender work together should help to improve the efficiency, so the segregation between the sexes must not strategy, but must find a good way to get along with the good gender.
Because of the opposite sex, views on many things, there are many differences in general. If you are in front of the opposite sex is very open-minded person, you will find you in the opposite sex in the much-loved. Because most people no sense of exclusion of the opposite sex, and love to help work the opposite sex partner, their colleagues in this as a sign of a sense of accomplishment. Everyone wants to be the opposite sex attention, admiration, a person who draw attention to the strengths of others, he can learn from each of the different working partners to help develop their own strengths. Usually observe others strengths, weaknesses do not care about other people who will feel good to get along among colleagues.
Blood is thicker than water. Both colleagues and friends, there is a common language, mutual goodwill, and if you do not mean the relationship will develop into romance, they should be the sentiment of friendship within the limits, even very good impression, show it should not be . If the person shot to Cupid, it would be wise to be resolved. Do not give tacit approval and encouragement to each other.
Generous to the opposite sex, not frivolous attitude dealings with the opposite sex is a very important principle. Including both behavior and speech. To respect each other is heterosexual partners working to address some of affairs office, will make some complicated things become simpler. Ten million to the Office of the opposite sex do not deal with the relationship as like evening dresses "a relationship that expected results, and do not develop into a heterosexual sex than the other more intimate relationship. Friends after work is another matter, but in office, be sure to distinguish between "heavy-light Jihuan relationship.
Male colleagues, male colleagues are distressed, female colleagues and female colleagues in distress, they may be due to multitude of work and busy, probably too much resistance because of career stalled for family disputes may be disappointment. In such cases the majority of my colleagues will show evasive attitude, in fact, as long as you say, "I am the words to help you, my colleagues may owe, and when he (she) has difficulty, or we do not 'm close to, if you can not count interest to help him (her), he (she) grateful heart can be imagined.
The same sex: dependence help solve the problem that everyone in the office should be friendly, especially for same-sex even more so should we. Because each person's work are in order to survive, we were all under one roof, for a common goal, feel the same kind of pressure, and ultimately, who who work, so if you can look at a sympathetic companion, then the relationship will be very easy to handle. Because it is the same sex, a lot of feelings and views of things have in common, you can find some people are interested in the topic, that is nothing more than a friendly way.
Of course, some think they are easy for her same-sex partners had adopted a short cocktail dresses "partnership attitude towards work, can be developed to further the relationship is more of a friend to share some, not" fellow travelers are less contacts that do not have to everyone as a can develop into friends' potential factor to treat. snitch saw my colleagues also do not have to fuss and if only for his personal interest, you can completely ignore, just as "handling the incident properly, for his personal future the benefits of character development will not be judged on it. Everyone is not the same company for life, we are passing it. Note worthy of your attention, you learn something worth learning enough.

Nine benefits of morning sex

4:00: You can feel its presence, no surprise, then normal, but this is your biological clock to make sex hormones reach a peak. If you have not woke up, it does not matter, your hormones are very active throughout the morning, whether it is 7:00, 8:00 or 9:00.
But by 11, your sex drive will begin to weaken. Lunch break at noon is the desire, if you want to use sex to relax, you can choose 14 or so. Afternoon you will feel more energetic (17 points is a lot of athletes, Olympic record-breaking time!), But when your brain is not in the state. 22 points to the person's sex drive began high up, perhaps the habit, but the body's secretion of hormones also start to get really strong. At this time a little more gentle night will make you become romantic and beautiful.
Nine 9 reasons for the early morning sex
1 new day begin bridesmaid dresses from the morning rose color infected
Obviously the joy of the morning you can enjoy, why wait until the evening? Work intermittently, when you then secretly aftertaste that wonderful moment, some will feel excited. A German poet, described even in the poems of women to enjoy sex after emitting a charming glory, which glory is at night, no one noticed, and how unfortunate it.
2 early morning to a relaxing you can finally Madden's "messy style
Ecstasy of the moment - wild messy hair, this effect is only early in the morning only. You can even avoid the cosmetic: when your skin rosy, facial muscles will relax after the kiss, make you look extremely sexy.
3. You can not adhere to exercise in the morning
From now on you can leave the floor exercise every morning, because you can also get in bed exercise - any other sports can not achieve such consumption and relaxing effect.
Sex can reduce the waist and hip half-hour 300 calories. Especially in the early morning, when the body's carbohydrate stores have been depleted, the body began to get energy from the fat layer, the fat soluble, so one day only this time in the most effective way to lose weight.
4 you can finally let himself from his benefit early in the morning in good condition
Man body in the early morning testosterone levels than other times of day are 25%, while when your hormones are boiling quietly - although sometimes difficult to detect. If so sexual peak hours away so quietly, that it not a pity? Immersed in the passion with special occasion dresses him in it, why only one day of his "exotic-filled start to? You can not!
5. This time, higher-quality sex
8 hours of work, fitness and evening after work to burn off the phone with his best buddies porridge, you will have much "exotic?
In the early morning on the contrary, your mind is empty, sleep hormone - melatonin no longer make you feel tired, then it is the best time to love, you do not need to be a prelude to complete step by step: eating, chat, take off their clothes ... ... you love on your side so you "taste.
6 to sober up with sex more effective than pills
Also because of last night's hangover headache? Let your love to help you deal with it! Sex endocrine endorphins will play the same anesthesia and morphine, and a fierce resistance but also for morning exercises systemic circulation, so that the small body does not quickly disappear (even sober common cold bath can save!)
7. Like you can no longer stay in bed a feel for the pain to get up
Of course we are willing to pay for love, but if both get to enjoy themselves, that then why not? If he is not willing homecoming dresses to get up early, then it is between half awake with him to enjoy the wonderful feeling it - - In the intimate relations between dream and reality, than the morning by a cup of coffee to wake yourself is much more effective and happy.
8. Today there is a delicate task waiting for you
Are you going to get up early to come up with solutions to problems you? Stop! Be more than half an hour in bed, because your body's cells will therefore be mobilized, pituitary and pineal gland because of the stimulus becomes active, the brain blood supply will be accelerated, and this effect will be more obvious early in the morning. You want to be intelligent and creative? Then do not wait until the evening ... ...
9. You will look forward to the arrival of the morning
If there will be early in the morning a hearty breakfast waiting for you, you will fear the arrival of a new day it? A sexy start to feel a deep sense of love will make you fully relax and let all the pressure away from you, let your energy to greet the new day.