
Enjoy the honeymoon cruise Shuangwai Wai

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How did not remember being persuaded her husband to the honeymoon cruise, anyway, when I sat contentedly on a Singapore Airlines flight Fanhu when the vision is very much admired her husband, especially when around peers who are almost all non-big sigh in vain this line, and hate too short of time.
Yes, no hurry, no collection, there is no concept of time, the phone altogether lost any signal, all this suggests that you put everything behind it, as long as the person you love together, love to do do, in the cruise.
From the Star Cruises' SuperStar Virgo to leave Singapore Harbour Centre, the moment, almost every person on the cruise will not withstand the temptation of food.
13 floors high, 268-meter-long "Virgo and down more than ten restaurants, taste different, the Japanese restaurant in Malaysia, Japanese-style barbecue chef Marketer performances unique skills; Italian restaurant in size, but make people feel warm red tone, especially oil painting hanging on the wall, which was the private collection of cruise ships host a master artworks it; Indian restaurants often a thick smell of curry flavor; Chinese restaurant dishes of all kinds of sign face special attention; 24-hour coffee shop located in Blue Lake cruise the aisles, from Malaysia to Singapore Bak Kut The Chicken Rice, Southeast Asia's classic snacks everything. there is ice cream, the stars and enjoy the night time to a copies, is very comfortable.
Sunny evening, the ship will be held on the top deck open-air barbecue dinner, all kinds of BBQ, salad, fruit, snacks and wine, so you forget. To most of the four large free area restaurants are Chinese, Western and Southeast Asian-style, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, as bridesmaid dresses well as morning tea, afternoon tea and supper available. As delicious, but also because most of the visible sea view restaurant seating, so the total could not drag her husband to the restaurant to run, want to taste that finished this, so that the mouth and eyes together to enjoy delicious.
Pro disembark, he found himself there is a not eaten, have dinner, you'll feel so obviously he can not help but eat a meal. Who cares, anyway, have put themselves married off, and then on several pounds of fat, but since my husband has no friends. This down day, eat five or six tons are common. Accompanied by all those newly married couples are less than me, the most powerful eight tons to eat from morning to night, and soon will have had a title - eight Dayton General.
What impressed me most when the number of captain dinner. Cruise on by the habit, which is certain to be wearing the dress of the meal. Open two hours before dinner, the band's songs, Christmas tree covered with ornaments decorate the seventh floor of the lobby outside the lively score. Captain standing there smiling and people eleven pictures. We booked a Western, large restaurant, purple bridesmaid dresses a full swing under the hundreds of tables. Melodious piano accompanied by red wine, is appetite. After the elimination of a main course steak, could not help but at the same table, another young couple on the delicious cod praise, I would end up eliminating a cod, see her husband some trance.
Do not think I will take care of their taste buds and stomach, the body then of course need good friends to enjoy. There are many choices during the day, top-level open-air swimming pool is a good place to feel the sun the sea, around the pool you can enjoy lying on the massage pool feel the sun's nourishing, my favorite is the swimming pool side of the sauna, sit steaming sauna room, the entire surface of the floor through the looking glass, blue sky in a daze, then forgot what the taste is dry with worry, her husband is running in a wall of the gym, enjoy the same sky and sea. There are many places to enjoy, such as women like beauty center, DFS boutiques, men love to the card room, library with Internet access, and even still playing on the deck of a return to tennis. If it were not her husband or not, I had intended to follow the sides of the boat yoga teachers in India do. At night, the Galaxy nightclub as long as you can drink a cup of Kara OK, 10 points will be adjusted after the very atmosphere of the host will greet you with a variety of amusing play endless games. I actually used within one and the husband is also mixed in with a group of young people from around the world in a crazy stage. If after completing crazy not enough to go to disco or theater, or else go to the theater took a fancy to a show from Las Vegas, anyway, do not hurry, calmly enough.
Even if you do nothing, only to see the blue sky can be seen on cruise ships and the sea is also sufficient. Because it is in walking through the Straits of Malacca, often see the distant islands, sometimes there are fishing boats fishing in the dragnet. Bursts of silver sea, cruise-off, leaving long waves, as if to God that one connection. Leaning against the couch in the office room terrace with sun massage the skin, and soon the whole body will be Chung drowsiness; sitting on the sides of boats on the point of a cup of coffee, in the silence of the heart becomes beneath pure sound of the waves up.
In fact, precisely, this tour by the Singapore Tourism Board, Star Cruises, Travel and the Shanghai Oriental Shanghai New Comfort Travel, Singapore Mandarin Hotel and DFS jointly organized the "Singapore + Virgo honeymoon cruise is not only Singapore to stay cheap homecoming dresses two days, Qi Fu Plaza, Sentosa, Chinatown, Merlion Park, Singapore River, leaving our footprints everywhere Tour the Merlion Park, the Singapore Travel Agency to participate in the certificate issued on behalf of his wife, and enjoy the "Five Blessings journey: a ride shuttle River City antique car, two lovers side by side with the tricycle street after street.
What impressed me most is to see their foster botanical garden with orchids (orchids, Singapore's national flower), her husband know that I am a big fan of Bae Yong Joon, dragging guide to find the last guy just because PEI has been named visiting growing on purple "Bae Yong Joon I severely beat in front of a pass, but on my natural shopper, the shopping street, Orchard Road is most appealing to my place, row upon row of buildings, the variety of world famous New angered I secretly resolved - for the coming year must find copies of higher-paying job.
Finally, I take DFS Galleria in Singapore to over a handful of addiction, buy a lot of cosmetics and designer bags. Where large-scale, did not have to worry about what to buy to pick, it just care about your wallet! Located in the Orchard Road shopping district Shige Shi DFS Galleria, an area of ??large four-story shopping mall by the composition, from local specialties to the world famous brand cosmetics, watches, jewelry, Pijuxiangbao, clothing readily available. Do not worry about service, Beijing and Shanghai are equipped with after-sales service office, in addition to comprehensive after-sales service, including exchange and refund.

